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Let's Get Metaphysical

Apr 28, 2021

Episode 76 of the podcast brings a powerful message of releasing judgement of Self, Other, and the Divine while remaining in "observer mode". We are all on individual evolutionary paths, and though there may be roadblocks, express lanes, and detours, ALL are aiming at ascending in consciousness - Whether the human...

Apr 16, 2021

The awakening and ascension process currently happening on the planet is requiring infinite layers and depths of surrender for all of us - including letting go of people, homes, jobs, pets, beliefs, and more. In Episode 75, Ren discusses surrendering fear and control in order to become powerfully present in every...

Apr 1, 2021

Episode 74 of the Let's Get Metaphysical podcast brings through a very important message for those who are in the process of remembering their true selves, and why their souls chose to incarnate on Earth at this time. Host Renata Maniaci goes more into this message, and why so much information is coming through at...